Casting Pods

Over the last few months I've been asked to feature on a few podcasts. Here's a couple: In the first, I chat to my old coach James O'Halloran about 'Founding not CEO-ing' and what it means to try to find product market fit with a huge vision versus finding balance in life. There's a long … Continue reading Casting Pods

The 5 Whys of Entrepreneurship

What is an entrepreneur’s primary motivation? What should it be? Why become an entrepreneur? Why keep doing it?  Elon Musk, claims entrepreneurship is like, "eating glass and staring into the abyss of death.” Not exactly the way I’d choose to spend my weekdays.  So much of the prevailing narrative focuses on ‘how to get rich’ … Continue reading The 5 Whys of Entrepreneurship

More Portfolio Entrepreneurs

Portfolio entrepreneurship is, according to researchers, one of the most interesting types of entrepreneurship. Yet very few entrepreneurs realise it’s an option, and most are strongly encouraged not to entertain it.   In my last article I discussed why I think portfolio entrepreneurship should be more prevalent. Below I have included some of the theory behind … Continue reading More Portfolio Entrepreneurs

Portfolio Entrepreneurs

Type the phase 'Portfolio Entrepreneur' into Google.  You’ll find a number of academic articles suggesting it's a wonderful form of entrepreneurship - that results in greater success, less stress and better outcomes for both society and the entrepreneurs involved. It should be much encouraged, it seems.  Yet there are few mentions beyond academia. The prevailing … Continue reading Portfolio Entrepreneurs

All I’ve Ever Learned About Money

Aged 38, I had saved enough money not to need to work again. “I’m retired”, I’ve said provocatively in the last couple of years, whilst still remaining cherub-faced (in certain, low-lit locales).  This doesn’t mean I’m going to stop working, but now I’m able to work on what I want, regardless of the income or … Continue reading All I’ve Ever Learned About Money

Changing Climate Change

Climate change is, without much doubt, the greatest current threat to life as we know it. You know that already, right?  So why are we both staring into a screen? Why am I still taking flights to my beloved Africa, running a travel business ( and ( and indulging in other activities that contribute? Surely we should … Continue reading Changing Climate Change


You don’t believe in what Facebook does, but you’re on the site because it’s occasionally useful - you’re complicit.  You sit on public transport with other people and witness someone abusing someone else without saying anything - you’re complict A friend says something homophobic, or misogynistic but you don’t challenge them because you don't want … Continue reading Complicit